Saturday, July 14, 2012

Get your C on the Sea!

Calling all pirates! Today is the beginning of scurvy prevention and awareness week! As you are out swashbuckling, pillaging, raising and lowering sails and whatnot, don't forget to take a break and get your Vitamin C! Remember, if you see your buddy acting lethargic on deck, it may be more than homesickness!

from Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C, which is required for the synthesis of collagen in humans. The chemical name for vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus, which also provides the adjective scorbutic ("of, characterized by or having to do with scurvy"). Scurvy often presents itself initially as symptoms of malaise and lethargy, followed by formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes

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